martes, 4 de febrero de 2014


This morning we went to Eco Garden to plant some lettuces. Also we spoke about how we can create a new eco garden without using chemical products.
In the afternoon we started to learn about the effects of the littering in the animals and in our environment. We saw some photos about some animals in troubles because of the man made rubbish. After that we went for a nature trail to the forest seeking some different kind of leaves.
And also we created a blog to write about our experiences in Barria here you have some of our writings:
                We are having a very good time. We did a short film and it was very funny.
                I love this days in Barria the teachers are very nice. I like very much the filming today.
                We had a good time when we went to the mountain for a walk.

Esta mañana fuimos a Eco Garden a visitar el huerto y plantamos unas lechugas. Además estuvimos hablando sobre cómo podemos crear un nuevo huerto ecológico sin utilizar productos químicos.
Por la tarde aprendimos lo dañinos que pueden ser los efectos de arrojar los desperdicios en la naturaleza tanto para nuestro entorno como para los animales que viven en él. Después de esto nos hemos ido a dar un bonito paseo por los bosques de alrededor donde hemos estado buscando hojas de los diferentes árboles que hay en la zona.
Además creamos un blog para escribir sobre nuestras experiencias en Barria, aquí va una muestra de lo que hemos escrito:
      We are having a very good time. We did a short film and it was very funny.
                I love this days in Barria the teachers are very nice. I like very much the filming today.
                We had a good time when we went to the mountain for a walk.

Gaur goizean Eco Gardenean egon gara baratza ikusten eta bertan letxuga batzuk landatu ditugu. Gainera, baratza ekologiko bat nola sortu dezakegun ikusi dugu produktu kimikoak erabili gabe gure landareetan.
Arratsaldean ikusi dugu zein kaltegarriak diren ingurugirorako eta bertan bizi diren animalientzat gizakiok naturan botatzen ditugu zakarrak. Ondoren, ibilaldi txiki bate gin dugu inguruko basoetatik zuhaitz mota desberdinetako hostoak biltzen.
Gainera blog bat sortu dugu gaur Barrian bizi ditugun esperientziak idazteko, hemen dago idatzitakoaren zati bat:
      We are having a very good time. We did a short film and it was very funny.
                I love this days in Barria the teachers are very nice. I like very much the filming today.

                We had a good time when we went to the mountain for a walk.

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